So you want to be a full stack developer?

Ian Barry

The secret ingredients to being a full stack developer


Take about 500ml of AngularJS, throw in 100g of NodeJS, leave to settle for 5 minutes and add a sprinkling of Neo4j. Add this mix to the oven at 220C for 25 minutes. When the 25 minutes have elapsed, remove from the oven and season with some Continuous Delivery and voila! OK I’ll admit; this is not going to be a post that will detail the secret ingredients to finding or being this kind of developer.

So the real goal of this article is to try and ascertain what we really mean by being or looking for a full stack developer. But more so, to put it to you, the community of what you think we need to be considering if we are to truly feel that we can confidently cover all aspects of the requirements of being a full stack…

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